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domingo, 12 de marzo de 2017


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St Patrick’s Day: a Powerpoint presentation.

Please click on the following link (NOT the picture below!) to see the presentation: Saint Patrick s day

We got into the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day by making ‘Lucky Leprechauns’

Leprechaun Hat Headband 

I'm not Irish. (Surprise!)  But I appreciate St. Patrick's Day because it gives me the opportunity to wear green and cute Leprechaun gear.  So today's craft is a DIY Leprechaun hat headband that was made from... wait for it.... toilet paper rolls and cereal boxes!

Yup!  Today we're making our very own Leprechaun hat!

DIY leprechaun hat headband for St. Patrick's Day

Keep reading to see how we made this little Leprechaun hat headband!

Materials Needed to create Leprechaun Hat Headband:

  • Toilet paper Roll
  • Scissors (Normal and Fabric)
  • Pen
  • Cereal Box
  • Green Paint
  • Paint brushes
  • Glue Gun
  • Pipe Cleaners
  • Felt (black and yellow)
  • Headband
  • Paper (stiffer than computer paper, I used watercolor paper)
  • Clear Tape

Steps to create a Leprechaun Hat Headband: 

Steps to create Leprechaun Hat from Toilet paper Roll
1.  Cut your toilet paper roll to size.  Then, draw a horizontal line around one end of the headband.  Make sure that it's approximately equal distance from the end all around.  Then, cut slits to create tabs.

2.  Trace your toilet paper roll onto a cereal box.  Then, trace a larger circle around your initial circle.  Cut out the larger circle out.  (This will  become your hat's brim.)

3.  Cut out the inside circle.

4.  Now trace your toilet paper roll onto your paper. Then, trace out another larger circle around your initial circle. 

Final Steps to create DIY Leprechaun hat for St. patrick's Day
5.  Cut out your larger paper circle.  Cut slits ending at the inner circle.  Now you've got yourself lots of tabs.  Bend those tabs to create the top portion of your hat.

6.   Slip your paper circle inside your toilet paper cylinder and secure it with tape.  Now you've got the top of your hat completed.

7.  Now slip your cereal box brim over the toilet paper roll's tabs.  Bend the tabs down and tape the hat together.

8.  Paint everything. 

Painted Toilet paper Roll Leprechaun hat craft

9.  Cut out a thin strip of black felt and a rectangular piece of yellow felt.  Hot glue both on to complete your toilet paper Leprechaun hat.

10. Cut your pipe cleaner in half.  Attach it to the bottom of your hat with hot glue and two felt strips.  

11.  Wind your pipe cleaner bits around your headband.  Trim off any excess bits.

kids leprechaun craft
Turn a small paper plate into a cute leprechaun with this simple St. Patrick's Day craft. This leprechaun craft is perfect for preschoolers as it practices simple scissor and pasting skills. If your child is new to working with scissors, the beard on our leprechaun craft is made using small simple snips and is a great confidence boost for little ones. This cute leprechaun craft makes a great St. Patrick's Day decoration as well.
What you'll need:                                            
Imagen relacionada
How to make your Paper Plate Leprechaun Craft
  1. Paint just the outer rim of the small paper plate orange. Set aside to dry.
  2. While your paint is drying, print our template and cut the pieces out. Trace each piece onto the appropriate color construction paper. Cut your pieces out.
  3. Assemble the hat: glue on the black band and the yellow square.
  4. When the paint on the paper plate is dry, have your child make small snips the whole way around the plate.
  5. Glue the hat on your leprechaun, then add the eyes and nose and draw on his mouth.

Our St. Patrick's day man craft with shamrock templates is a great way to turn simple shamrocks into something unique and fun. This happy guy makes a fantastic St. Patrick's day decoration for your front door and is a great craft for kids of all ages to do!
What you'll need:
How to make your St. Patrick's Day Man Craft
  • Print the large shamrock template out on green construction paper.  Cut out the shamrock.
  • Print the small shamrock template out on green construction paper.  Cut out the four smaller shamrocks. 
  • Cut 4 strips of white construction paper that are approximately 1 inch wide.  Fold the strips back and forth to create an accordion fold appearance. 
  • Glue two white strips on either side of the large shamrock to form arms.  Glue two white strips at the base of the large shamrock to form legs. 
  • Glue the two small shamrocks to the ends of the arms and the two small shamrocks to the ends of the legs. 
  • Glue the two googly eyes to the large shamrock and use a marker to draw on a smile.

Lephrechaun Hat Craft for Kids


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 Resultado de imagen de st patrick activities

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